Autorun Manager Android

 Do you want control over startup apps? Autorun Manager gives it!

Autorun Manager PRO
Autorun Manager (formerly Autorun Killer) is an ultimate tool that lets you disable all the autostarting apps you don't need. Unfortunately this app is misunderstood many times so please read help carefully and/or mail the developer if you have questions.

There are many applications that automatically start when you turn on your device; many of these you don't use or need, they just consume your valuable resources. This app sports a basic mode for the regular users and an advanced mode for power users with rooted devices.

Autorun Manager in basic mode lets you manage applications that start up when you boot your device. Applications are terminated right after they start, but if the application is programmed to restart itself this can fail. Please note that some applications are written so that they cannot be stopped because of the android system design. These kind of applications are marked as 'self-restarter' and are better to be left enabled.

In advanced mode you gain control over all the system-wide events and enable-disable application starts. This is the ultimate solution to control what you want to be started, but you also can break apps, so this feature is only for experienced users with rooted devices.

PRO features:

    no ads
    basic mode's prevent restart feature is selectable
    can block more than 4 receivers in advanced mode
    Chuck Norris mode enabled

What's in this version : (Updated : jan 2, 2013)

    speed improvements
    disable all receivers of an app from context menu
    application freezing (PRO only)
    number of disabled receivers is raised to 10 for free users
    you can now select in preferences to directly start with advanced/basic mode
    searchable list in advanced/basic (search for app name or receiver)
    improved and fast filtering
    updated UI
    improved root handling
    fixed row expanding
    updated libraries
    better and faster pro key handling
    added EULA

Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Instructions :

. Copy 3 files in Autorun Manager PRO v1.5 TB RAR to Titaniumbackup folder > Restore 'App+Data'
. Install  Autorun Manager v4.0

Download : 1Mb APK

link for download
Pasword : mummy

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